Hello Friend!

Husband And Wife, Parents, World Travelers, & Storytellers

9 years ago, we were not wedding photographers. 9 years ago, we were in your shoes. Planning our own wedding and counting down the days until the date we would marry each other at a small Baptist church in this little farm town in Missouri.

Looking back, I don't think anything adequately prepares you for just how involved planning a wedding can be. Stress builds and emotions flow. There is so much to consider, so many people to please, that it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters - the start of, God willing, a lifelong partnership between two soulmates.

In the midst of all the planning, filtering through a thousand different options and a hundred different vendors, we immediately knew that photography was going to be the most important wedding-day investment to us.

We're Josh & Caitlin

We wanted the joy and hope and love that we felt then, head over heels for each other, to be captured. Recorded. Documented in a way that we would someday be able to look back on and immediately feel those emotions again. But we also needed someone who "got" us, and would be able to relate to us and help us be ourselves.

We were so blessed to be able to find that in our photographers - another husband & wife team that kept our day fun and grounded. Now, almost 10 years later, every time we look at our wedding photos, we are instantly transported back to being young and in love, filled with hope for the future.

The Andersons Photo Company was created to give you that same feeling of relief that comes when you know you have passionate, experienced photographers that genuinely care about you, capturing authentic, timeless, and love-filled photographs of you and for you. 

Our Mission

We Desire to serve you with timeless photos that remind you why you fell in love for every tomorrow to come.

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Even from our dating days, we both knew we wanted a bunch of kids. Now we have four of them running around underfoot. Some might say we're crazy (and trust me, some days we might agree with you), but we think it's one of the best decisions we've ever made. Our home is filled with squeals of laughter, lots of random karaoke, and oh so many beautiful adventures.

You can't live in the middle of bourbon country without trying one or two, and that is how we discovered we both have an affinity for a good Kentucky Mule.

We both grew up in military families and have the unique ability of saying we have both lived and traveled all over the world. The wanderlust is far from gone though, so we make it a point to travel somewhere new at least once a year. Next big goal? Western Europe, so Caitlin can show the kids her old stomping grounds.

A good marriage is made up of two imperfect people who daily choose to continue loving each other. Yep, love is a choice. We're still learning how to love each other well, but we both agree that good communication seems to be the key.

We are both pretty active. You have to be in good shape to be a great photographer (those cameras are heavier than they look!), but you especially have to be when chasing four kids around all day. Thank goodness for childcare at the YMCA!

Another decision we've made that others might think we're crazy for? Caitlin is homeschooling the three oldest this fall. Send prayers and good vibes... and lots of coffee.

The andersons

We Are

The heavens open and the birds sing! It's absolutely magical! ... Just kidding

But seriously, we always are really excited to see your email come in! You'll get an automated response right away, but Caitlin will reach out personally to schedule your discovery call.

When We Receive YOUr Inquiry

Caitlin: "For me, it would have to be the first look! I remember vividly how grounding it was to see Josh before our wedding. He was and still is very much my happy place, and I love when my clients take that time for themselves too."

Josh: "The first kiss. Everything culminates in that one moment - all the emotions, all the planning, all the trials - and that announcement and kiss is the peak. Speaking to the guys here, DON'T MESS IT UP. 

Our favorite Part Of The Wedding Day

If there is a Chipotle between the venue and our home, you can bet we're making a late night stop for some snackies.

We love a good party, but after standing next to the DJ's booth for the last couple hours, we're probably listening to something a little quieter.

The post wedding "high" lasts long enough to get home, kiss the babies, and backup your photos, then we crash hard.

What We Do After A Wedding

There are times that a loud voice and friendly personality are of great benefit. I'll get through your family photos so quick and easy, everyone will be left thinking "It's over already?!?"

Category: Wedding Day Super Power

My ability to quickly read a room. In 30 seconds I know where to photograph, what lighting I need to change or furniture I need to move out of the way, who is tired and flagging, and how much time I'll need to get the job done.

Playing video games with the kids (don't tell anyone, but they're pretty good!) or curled up enjoying a good book.

Category: Happy Place

Driving on a sunny day, with the  windows down and the music cranked. Oh, it's definitely Taylor Swift playing.

Military Brat
General Contractor
Serial Entrepreneur 

Category: Background

Military Brat
Field Laborer
Doula & Student Midwife
Violin Teacher
Serial Entrepreneur

Whatever Caitlin orders for me. Not even kidding. We joke though that I prefer "white girl coffee" - sugar filled, highly flavored, frappes and lattes.

Category: Coffee Order

Iced Grande Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso if I'm ordering from Starbucks.

From a standalone coffee shop, whatever special catches my fancy, usually an iced latte. 



MOre About Us

Want Photographers who get you?
That's what we thought! Let's Talk :)

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The Andersons Photo Company is a husband & Wife Photography team who value Authentically telling your story and creating Intentional, Timeless and Classic images. They photograph weddings, engagement sessions, and Proposals in Lexington, Kentucky as well as destination weddings all over the world.